.. libDM_mavlink documentation master file Home ==== .. image:: images/mavlink1.jpeg :width: 400 :height: 300 :alt: Texte alternatif de l'image .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: self ./how_to_use.rst ./messages_logging.rst ./api_description.rst Description ============ Even if protobuf is prefered as the main serialization protocol, the mavlink protocol is supported for messages emission and reception. The libDM_mavlink library is a wrapper around mavlink library. It allows to use the mavlink protocol in a more convenient way for easy use and debug. .. warning:: For easy manipulation, users are recommended to use libDM_msg_center library which provides easy handling of protobuf messages + can, mavlink... `libDM_msg_center <../libdm_msg_center/index.html>`_.