Messages logging ================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents: Introduction ------------ The methods used to send and received messages (:cpp:func:`MAVLINK_UTILS::sendMessage`, :cpp:func:`MAVLINK_UTILS::sendMessages`, :cpp:func:`MAVLINK_UTILS::updateMonitoredMessages`) include logging mecanism that can be used to log the mavlink sent or received messages. Activation ---------- The only method that has to be called is :cpp:func:`MAVLINK_UTILS::initiateLogging` : .. code-block:: cpp MAVLINK_UTILS mavlink(&streamObj); mavlink.initiateLogging(); .. warning:: As mentionned in the API documentation, this function should be called after all messages to monitor and send have been added! So it should be called after all :cpp:func:`MAVLINK_UTILS::addMsgToMonitor` and :cpp:func:`MAVLINK_UTILS::addMsgToSendingList`. The use of `libDM_msg_center <../libdm_msg_center/index.html>`_ does call this method automatically. Location and structure of the logging file ------------------------------------------ From June 2024, the protobuf events are logged inside the unique protobuf encoded binary file. The file is located in the SD card in ``local_folder/log.binDM``. - The logging binary file is located in the SD card in ``local_folder/log.binDM``. More information about the general logging mechanism at `libDM_stream_logger <../libdm_stream_logger/index.html>`_ Header ~~~~~~ For informations, a header field inside LoggerFrame is giving mavlink messages Names and ID. The completion of this header is done by :cpp:func:`MAVLINK_UTILS::initiateLogging`. It is given just as a indication as the log decoding tools will extract the informations directly from generated code and ID encoded inside the mavlink frame payload. .. code-block:: json { "mavlinkHeader": "ATTITUDE_QUATERNION,LOCAL_POSITION_NED,GLOBAL_POSITION_INT,HIGHRES_IMU,SYSROX_INS_GENERIC_CALIBRATION_BARO_SENSOR_CORRECTION,SYSROX_INS_GENERIC_CALIBRATION_IMU_SENSOR_CORRECTION_ACC,SYSROX_INS_GENERIC_CALIBRATION_IMU_SENSOR_CORRECTION_GYRO,SYSROX_INS_GENERIC_CALIBRATION_IMU_SENSOR_CORRECTION_MAG,SYSROX_INS_GENERIC_CALIBRATION_MAG_SENSOR_CORRECTION", "timestamp": 5811387 }, { "mavlinkID": "31,32,33,105,50005,50001,50002,50003,50004", "timestamp": 5811387 }, Body ~~~~ Inside the |loggerframe| structure, a field containing the mavlink events exists and is populated when a mavlink event is sent or received. - The logged mavlink frame follows mavlink structure with the addition of direction. .. |loggerframe| raw:: html LoggerFrame .. admonition:: Message structure ========= =============== Direction Mavlink message ========= =============== With direction being 0 for messages received and 1 for messages sent. Decoding -------- A general logging file handle the decoding of all the enclosed information, including protobuf events. The script is located in the protobuf repo, inside the folder tools/ The script can be used as follow: - Install the requirements: .. code-block:: bash pip install -r requirements.txt - Run the script: .. code-block:: bash python log.binDM The script will read and extract the data from the logging file and create a new file ``mavlinkEventsLog_decoded.json`` inside the output folder, with the messages sent or received presented with json format, for example: .. code-block:: json { "mavlinkData": { "mavpackettype": "ATTITUDE_QUATERNION", "time_boot_ms": 11770, "q1": 0.8999999761581421, "q2": 0.10000000149011612, "q3": 0.20000000298023224, "q4": 0.30000001192092896, "rollspeed": 0.0, "pitchspeed": 0.0, "yawspeed": 0.0, "repr_offset_q": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] }, "mavlinkDirection": "TX", "mavlinkID": 31, "timestamp": 11770214 },