How to use¶
This repo contains all the log processing tools centralized. This tools can use user generated protobuf mavlink content. They are composed of cpp buildable files and python scripts. Shell and bat scripts are also provided to build the cpp files for windows or unix platforms.
The logging mechanism is described in the stream logger library: libDM_stream_logger.
The protobuf mechanism used is described in the protobuf library: libDM_protobuf.
The proposed logging mechanism allows unique file logging for: - protobuf events - mavlink events - binary logs - text logs …
This part of the repo contains the tools to parse the binary logs logged inside the protolog. As this kind of logs are often high frequency with a lots of variables, the tools are optimized to be fast and efficient. The main script used is located in /parse_binDM/src/parse_log.cpp
It can be recompiled with the provided build script located at /parse_binDM/ or /parse_binDM/build_windows.bat
The executable files are located in /parse_binDM/builds/xxx
The script can generates outputs in csv`or `.mat format. From a binary file.
It can be used with the following command line:
./parse_log_[platform] -i [input_file] -o [output_file] -f [format]
with :
input_file: input file path
output_file: output file path
output_format: mat or csv
debug: enable debug printf
A decoding script is provided to decode completely the protobuf logs, including, events, binary logs, mavlink messages, etc. The script is located in the folder parse_protolog/tools/
The script can be used as follow:
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the script:
python --input_file log.binDM
Full options with python3 -h:
usage: python3 --input_file ../test/log_test.binDM --format csv --do_zip True --parse_protolog_custom_binary decode_protobufDM_linux --parse_binary_custom_binary parse_log_linux
Extract protobuf encoded logs
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input_file INPUT_FILE
Input file path
--format FORMAT Output format for binary data (mat or csv)
--do_zip DO_ZIP Zip the extracted file?
--parse_protolog_custom_binary PARSE_PROTOLOG_CUSTOM_BINARY
Custom compiled protolog extractor
--parse_binary_custom_binary PARSE_BINARY_CUSTOM_BINARY
Custom compiled binary log extractor
The script will create a new folder containing the raw extracted data and decoded files with the indicator _decoded.
If the protobuf/mavlink built files are not present or not up to date, they can be automatically imported with :
The files will be imported either from the user workspace, directly taking the files from the protobuf/mavlink repos. If these folders are not present, the script will clone the current repos.
The extraction results should looks like this:

The extracted data will be stored in the output folder:

The content of the different files extracted should looks like: