Home ==== .. image:: images/FFT.jpeg :width: 400 :height: 300 :alt: Texte alternatif de l'image .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: self ./how_to_use.rst ./api_description.rst .. raw:: html .. role:: fonttitle .. raw:: html .. role:: fontsmall Description ============ libDM_SRX_FF is an efficient FFT algorithm implementation, which is suitable for microcontrollers and embedded systems in general. The library features automatic data buffering (7 sizes available), shifting and scaling. The sizes available are: - 64 - 128 - 256 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 On powerfull microcontrollers (esp32, cortex m7), the library can totally be used to process data in real time (processing time examples are given in the documentation). FFT output is divided by its length which mean it has the same amplitude than the input. It is out of the box compatible with Sysrox IMU-AHRS products that can be bought on Amazon: +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | SRX-INS00-DEV | SRX-INS01-CAS | +======================================+======================================+ | .. image:: images/SRX_INS_00_DEV.png | .. image:: images/SRX_INS_01_CAS.png | | :width: 200 | :width: 200 | | :height: 150 | :height: 150 | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | |picamazondev|_ | |picamazoncas|_ | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ .. |picamazondev| image:: images/buy_on_amazon.png :class: no-scaled-link :width: 200 :height: 38 .. _picamazondev: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CTR3PTFN .. |picamazoncas| image:: images/buy_on_amazon.png :class: no-scaled-link :width: 200 :height: 38 .. _picamazoncas: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CTR3KP9V